Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Our Adventurous Tuesday Evening

Yesterday was pretty much like any other Tuesday.

Until approximately 5:00 p.m.

Grandpa had the kiddos at the park. I pulled up to switch cars with Grandpa, take the kids home, get dinner going, and get ready for my meeting at church.

When Ali saw me pull up, she ran over to the monkey bars, climbed up, and shouted, "Mommy! Watch me!" She reached out for the first bar.

And missed.

She landed on her right arm and side. And screamed.

She wouldn't move her arm or hand and wouldn't let anyone touch it. Grandpa and I hurried to get the boys in the van so I could get them home with Eric, then take Ali to urgent care.

When we got home. Ali went to lay on the couch, and put her arm under a pillow. She'd scream whenever we'd try to even look at it.

I got the boys all set and headed to urgent care. We didn't have to wait for long since Ali was the second patient. To pass the time, we started reading through a pile of books I grabbed before we left the house. At least it took her mind off the pain.

When it was Ali's turn, she held her arm as we walked to Room #2. She cried when the nurse touched her arm to try to get an idea of what was wrong. The doctor came in moments later, did a quick once over or her arm, and sent us to another room for an X-ray.

The X-ray tech was so sweet with Ali. As we waited, Ali and I talked about Curious George and the story about his X-ray. She asked lots of questions about things in the room and I tried to answer them as best as I could. I don't think she was nervous about the X-ray, I think she just wanted to pain to stop!

The tech took three X-rays, all while I held Ali on my lap. When the tech tried to move Ali's arm to change the angle of the X-ray, she cried. It wasn't until the tech tried to roll her arm on the side that the pain was too much for Ali. Tears came to my eyes at that point, too. The tech decided to check out the X-rays she already took and consult with the doctor as to whether another was needed.

It wasn't.

The X-rays showed the doctor what she needed to know.

Both bones in the arm. Broken.

The doctor and nurse put a "temporary" cast on Ali's arm - one that would harden and tighten as the night progressed. And did it ever! Although we gave her some pain medication before bed, she still woke up a few times during the night. Poor thing. And one of the worst parts?

She couldn't suck her thumb and rub the satiny part of Baby's bonnet at the same time. Just when she needed that comfort, she couldn't. Eric helped her wrap her pointer finger through the tag and suck her thumb at the same time, but it was a little acrobatic.

This may be the end of Ali's thumb sucking days. Ali was quite upset. She has been telling us for months that she will quit sucking her thumb when she turns five.

In true Ali fashion, she INSISTED on going to school today. The doctor approved, but said she couldn't use her right arm and needed to take it easy.

We're going to to the doctor on Friday to get the "real" cast. Ali is excited at all the people that will be able to sign her cast. She's EXTREMELY excited that Memere can sign it when she comes to visit next week - since Ali got to sign Memere's cast.

I've included a couple pictures of the little patient.


Angela said...

Hugs to Ally!!
Sounds like she was a really brave patient though.

LisaVB said...

OHHHH No! Poor girl!! Sounds like a horrible evening for daughter AND momma!

Hope she has a good day at school. I'm sure it'll be pretty cool to tell all the kids about her cool cast. LOL

oma said...

Poor Ali! I hope it feels much better now!

TAV said...

Little Missy...

Jessica said...

ohh hwhat a poor baby!!! Ali is a trooper, two bones broken, I can't believe she lasted that long without really crying. brave girl!

TAV said...

She's a poster child for children in pain