Monday, June 26, 2006

Iowa City retreat

Well, I just spent most of the past week in Iowa City, Iowa. The main purpose of the trip was to attend the State Public Defender's Office seminar. When I wasn't at the seminar, Ali, Mom, Dad, and me spent time together at the condo. Also, Mom and I were able to do some shopping for the twins - Carter's and Osh Kosh at the outlet mall need to restock their shelves this week! I also made a few trips to Reminisce, picking up quite a few scrapbooking supplies! Ali had fun exploring the library, the playground equipment on the ped mall, and chasing the ducks at Morison Park in Coralville! We could not have asked for better weather, either. It was a relaxing trip, for the most part - until Dad's mishap on Friday evening when he ended up at the ER with a broken ankle! But all is well and we are all home safe - quite a relaxing trip!

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